The Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde passes on information about the maritime achievements of the viking age in Denmark. This is done partly by exhibiting Danish ship findings; partly by sailing reconstructions of viking ships in Northern waters; and last but not least, by research into the maritime culture of the days, the construction and seaworthiness of the ships and the vikings' navigation methods. This navigation has many similarities with the Polynesian and herein lies an obvious opportunity for co-operation between the Viking Ship Museum and Ara-Moana.
More specifically, the co-operation could work through the School for Maritime Culture Guidance (Skolen for maritim kulturvejledning), which is an organization affilia-ted to the Viking Ship Museum. The school is highly positive towards giving introduction courses in traditional Northern navigation and the viking culture in general to the Danish crew in Polyne-sia. A co-operation concerning more general seminars in "Nature Navigation", during which Danish and Polynesian navigators are to meet in Denmark, is also an opportunity which is being worked on parallel with the activities in Polynesia.