
The Association
Activities up til now
Hiti Tau
Motu Haka
Polynesian Voyaging Society
Musée de Iles
The Viking Ship Museum
>Background>History of the project

Motu Haka
Forfatter: Administrator
Sidst revideret: 12-01-2004

At the Marquesas north-east is a cultural associa-tion by the name of Motu Haka. It was established in 1979 and its aim is to preserve and strengthen the cultural charac-teristics of the Marquesas. Among its main activities are the holding of cultural meetings, restoring and maintenance of the islands' ancient holy places and teaching in Marquesian langu-age, art, handicraft and dancing. The activities are for the Marquesians and have no commercial aim whatsoever.

It is a widespread association with many ramifications. The president of Motu Haka, who is also mare on the largest island, is very enthusiastic about the project Ara-Moana and will do everything in his power to ensure that Ara-Moana can function optimally when it visits the Marquesas.

